Stolen land, stolen symbols, no history. F*ck Slovakia!

This article will be written in English so that our Magyar brothers and sisters are able to read it and learn from it (slovenská verzia je tu: I am sorry but I don’t speak Magyar. If I spoke Magyar, I would definitely have written this article in Magyar because it is easiest to learn in the mother tongue, right? This also was a reason why Slovaks in the kingdom of Hungary claimed the right to use the Slovak language in schools but as we know well, unfortunately they were suppressed by the Magyar government and a lot of Slovak pupils got Magyarized. Maybe you are a descendant of such a Magyarized Slovak pupil yourself? You never know.

So what happened and why I am writing this article? On the 20JUL2022, the first predecessor soccer match of the Champions League between Magyar Ferencváros and Slovak Slovan took place, which ended up by the victory of Slovan 1:2. During this match the Magyar fans rolled up a huge transparent with a slogan: „Stolen land, stolen symbols, no history. F*ck Slovakia!“ Everybody was shocked as this action was interpreted as a hatred towards Slovakia but the opposite seems to be the truth. In reality, the Magyar fans were talking about themselves. Based on our information, did the local fans just probably want to display the long time hidden secret – that the Magyarland is a stolen land with stolen symbols and no history?? And whom did the Magyars steal the land from?

I will explain more below but firstly let me explain why I use the word Magyar instead of the word Hungarian. Simply because the words Magyar and Hungarian are related as much as the words Chinese and Korean. The Huns were a nomadic tribe entering in the Carpathian basin in the 4th century helping to free the local Slavic/Slovak population from the Romans. When the Huns disappeared, the Avars, another nomadic tribe, replaced them in the 6th century and bothered the Slovaks. When Avars disappeared, the Magyars, pushed by the Pechenyegs, came to the Carpathian basin in the 9th century and joined the Slavic/Slovak population still living there. That is why so many toponyms in today’s Magyarland have the Slovak origin.

Really, let’s discuss this topic in a more detail:

Stolen land

In the 11th century, the Russian chronicler Nestor wrote down The Tale of the Ancient Times (of the land of Rus). In this tale, he describes the origin of Russians and the origin of the Slavs because, as he was stating, the Russians had the Slavic origin as well. He writes that the origin of the Slavs was in The Slavic Land located along the middle Danube river where the Hungarian and Bulgarian lands lie (Hungary at that time included present-day Slovakia and ancient Bulgaria was what is now Romania). Nestor says that the Slavs/Slovaks lived in this land, called The Slavic/Slovak Land (Slovenská zem in Slovak), before the arrival of the Huns. The Huns pushed the Romans from this Slavic/Slovak Land back to Italy and they settled down along with the Slavs/Slovaks in the Slavic/Slovak Land- but Nestor accents that the Slavs/Slovaks had lived in The Slavic/Slovak Land before the Romans but the Romans pushed the Slavs/Slovaks up north to the Carpathian mountains and to the river Vistula/Wisla in present-day Poland. This might have happened sometimes around the 2nd or 3rd century. Nestor stated that the Slavs had spread from this Slavic/Slovak Land (present-day Magyarland) to other countries, for example to Moravia in the present-day Czech Republic, to Russia where they created the town of Novgorod, etc.. Nestor stated that the Slavs, who had moved away from the Slavic/Slovak land, changed their names according to the places where they had settled. And so Moravians (Moravania) got their name after the river Morava, Polotians (Poločania) got their name from the river Polota, Drevlyans got their name after forests they had settled in since drevo means a tree, Polyans got their name after the fields where they settled on since a field in Slavic is called pole. Today we know the Polyans as the Polish people, however firstly the Polyans was a name for the Russians. The Slavs who did not move from The Slavic/Slovak land keep their original name Slavs/Slovaks/Slovenians/Slavonians. Nestor also accents that it was the Moravians (basically the western Slovaks) for whom the Slavic writing was devised first and the Bible was first translated to the Slavic language by a Slavic speaking Macedonian philosopher Constantine Cyril in the 9th century and this writing was later spread from Slovakia, at that time also called Moravia, to Bulgaria and Russia, where it is used in a modified version until these days. Just very few people know that Cyril wrote Christian liturgical texts for so called pobratimstvo (brotherhood) and posestrimstvo (sisterhood) marriages. So during the rule of the king Svätopluk, two persons of the same gender could be married together in a Christian ceremony.

The Polish-Hungarian Chronicle, written after the Nestor’s chronicle was written, then follows with this story and explains that after the Huns had conquered the Slavic/Slovak Land, Attila the Hun renamed The Slavic/Slovak land to Hungary for the honor of his army. Then the chronicle describes that Magyars came to the Carpathian basin centuries later, proclaiming that they were the descendants of the Huns and claiming The Slavic/Slovak Land back. In reality the Magyar claim was a pure lie to justify their possession of the Slavic/Slovak Land. This is the reason why they accepted the false name Hungaria and not Magyaria for their new country. The chronicle also states that the Hungarians/Magyars married the Slavic/Slovak king’s daughter and the Slavic/Slovak aristocracy. The Slovak king lived in today’s western Romanian town of Oradea (in Slovak Veľký Varadín meaning The Great Castle). And that is how Magyars inherited the Slovak/Slavic Land by a royal marriage. However, the Slovak principality of Nitra remained independent for at least a century when the first Hungarian king Stephen I., ruling from the Slovak town of Nitra, conquered the pagan Magyars living in the wasteland called Puszta in the eastern Magyarland. However while king Stephen had been on the quest, the Polish king took over his principality of Nitra as far as the Danube and when king Stephen went home, he had no land to return to. So to be located as closest to Nitra as possible, he settled on the border of the Nitrian principality, right on the southern bank of the Danube, in the town of Esztergom, which became the first capital city of the renewed kingdom of Hungary. Later the capital city was moved to the town of Szekesfehérvár (in Slovak Stoličný Belehrad meaning The Throne White Castle, simply the Great Castle where the Throne of the King Was Located). Later the capital city of the kingdom of Hungary was moved to Budapest, whose name is a concatenation of two town names Budín and Pešť. This was a very unfortunate decision for the Slovaks because the Magyar centre was created very close to the Slovak population which caused a rapid Magyarization. Had the capital city been built far away from the Slovak area, the present-day Magyarland would have remained mostly Slovak. The name Budín is related to the Slovak word budiť, meaning to awaken, but it is also related to the word bude, which means „will be“ and the reason for such a name is that the pagan Slavic names consisted of some version of a sacred grove name and a foreseeing term because the sacred trees were worshipped for their ability to predict the future. Similarly the name Stanislav means a tree telling what will happen as stane means ‚will happen‚ and Predslav means a tree that will forecast the future as the Slovak pred means fore in English – the similarity of etymology of the Slovak and the English words is obvious. Budín has the same etymology as the name of Buddha who got his name from awakening under a tree. The Slovaks have words búda (a booth, a shed), budova (a building), budovať (to build) and so the name Budín could just mean a castle, a fortress, a building. However there are other personal names with the root Bud– in Slavic, for example Budimír, Budislav. The name Pešť is of Bulgarian Slavic origin.

Really the Magyar town of Esztergom comes from the Slovak Striegom, meaning The Watch Tower (Striežov, softening g to ž is well known in Slavic, for example behať=begať=bežať [to run], the nassal –oM changed to –ov). A village with the same name of Striegom is also located in Poland near Wroclaw and no one would argue that Magyars would have come as far as Wroclaw. Or the town of Visegrád comes from the Slovak Vyšegrad, currently Vyšehrad, meaning The Upper Castle because it is well known that Visegrád is located up on the Pilis mountain stretching right above the Danube. Magyar Pilis comes from the Slovak name Pleš (Plešivé hory) meaning bold, hairless/treeless or plateau mountain. Or the city of Veszprém comes from the Slovak Bezpriem/Brezpriem which has a mixed explanation (either someone Revolting or Sacred Groove keeper) but the origin is clearly Slovak. Or the name of the lake Balaton comes from the Slovak name Blatno, which mean The Muddy Lake, which Balaton really is. Blato means mud in Slovak. Or the Magyar town of Debrecén is Debrecín in Slovak and the meaning is The Town in a Valley. Or the Magyar town of Miskolc is Miškovec in Slovak and the name is a diminutive of the personal name Michael, in Slovak Michal of which the familiar version is Miško plus the typical Slovak ending -ovec (read as -ovets) is added. Or if we take the Magyar town of Szolnok, we get the Slovak Soľník, which means The Salt Town. The name of Magyar wasteland Puszta in Eastern Magyarland also comes from the Slovak words púšť (a desert, a wasteland) or pustatina (an abandoned land, a wasteland) or Pustá zem (an abandoned land) or pastvina (a pasture). Etymological similarity between the Slovak púšť and English waste-land is obvious. There is the river Tisza in the eastern Magyarland which is called Tisa or Tisava in Slovak, the ending -ava is typically Slovak (šírka means a width but šírava means hugely wide area, similarly mrak mean a cloud but mrákava means hugely wide black clouds). However the source of this river Tisa is called Tiačiv which is a version of Tisava in Ukrainian, which gives a clearly Slavic etymology of the name as tiecť means to flow in Slovak and as we know, Tisa is a very slowly flowing river in comparison to the Danube river which is called Dunaj/Dunava in Slavic. The Magyar county of Nógrad comes from the Slovak Novohrad meaning the New Castle. The Magyars accepted the Slovak combination of letters -ov or -av as ó, for example the Slovak name Ladislav was converted to Magyar László. There are hundreds of Magyar place names with the Slovak origin in Magyarland but as Magyar language belongs to the Turkic language group, the Magyarization is in some cases so strange that no one would ever think of a Slovak origin anymore. For example who would guess that the Magyar village of Gödöllő comes from the Slovak name Jedľovo (Fir-tree village)? Below you can find an unfinished map of Slavic/Slovak toponyms in present-day Magyarland and Romania.

So when the Magyar soccer fans speak of a stolen land, are they talking about themselves having stolen the land of Slovaks?

Stolen symbols

When Stephen I., who became the first king of the kingdom of Hungary (which was renewed from the empire of the Huns, not the Magyars), conquered with a help from the Slovaks the pagan Magyars in eastern Hungary, a white double-cross on a red background became the first coat of arm of the kingdom of Hungary. The Slovak town of Nitra, once the capital of Slovaks and also the original seat of Stephen I., has the same coat of arms. Coincidence? The current Magyar flag has three colors coming from the Slovak part of the royal emblem – the green hills, white double-cross and red background. When the Slovaks broke away from the Kingdom of Hungary, they changed their colors alongside with the Slavic nations to while, blue and red. A lot of Slovak villages have a double cross in their coat of arms. It is clear that this double-cross represents a tree as the pagan Slavs were the tree worshipers and this symbol comes from the ancient times when the Slavs were still pagans. This is a symbol of a sacred grove which had to be protected by the king. That is why kings and spiritual authorities had names derived from the sacred groves. Their names signified that they were the protectors of the sacred groves. From the sacred trees, the wisdom of a king originated. That is why the king used to seat under an old tree and rule from there. He held apple as the produce of the tree. And he held a royal wand as a torch that was lightning the stars above the sacred tree, same as we do now during the winter solstice on a Christmas tree. This ritual has a pagan origin. So when the Magyars have the double-cross in their emblem, it is something that doesn’t belong to them, but to the Slovaks.

Probably the main symbol of every kingdom is the king and his title. The Magyar title for the king is király which comes from the Slovak kráľ, the soft Slovak consonant ľ is at the end, which Magyars accepted from the Slovak language as well. This title comes from the Slovak king Svätopluk who ruled in the Carpathian basin before Magyars.

So who keeps the stolen symbols that don’t belong to them? Were the Magyar soccer fans talking about themselves?

Historic and new coats of arms of the Slovak towns and villages.

No history

During the kingdom of Hungary, Slovakia was the better protected, richer and more developed part of the kingdom. All the gold, silver and metals of the kingdom came from the present-day Slovakia. Magyar oppression of the Slovaks was spreading during the centuries and more and more Slovaks got Magyarized. And so the greatest Magyar poet after whom every town has named a street, Sándor Petőfi, was actually a Slovak called Alexander Petrovič who wanted to get Magyarized and be popular among the elites. When he was captured during the WWI and dragged to Russia, I am sure he appreciated his Slavic origin and the similarity of the Slovak and Russian languages. Similarly Lajos Kossuth, the greatest Magyar revolutionist, was a Slovak Ľudovít Košút born in Košúty in the Turiec county in Slovakia. The word košút means a goat in Slovak and that is why the family has a goat in their family coat of arms. Kossuth was denying the existence of the Slovak nation and his aim was to recognize the Magyars as the only state-creating nation of the kingdom of Hungary. That meant in his views that all other minorities had to learn and speak only the Magyar language.

When the Ottoman Turks attacked the Kingdom of Hungary, a lot of Magyars were pushed up north to the current Slovakia. At that time, the Kingdom of Hungary pretty much copied the borders of Slovakia. So for many decades and few centuries the history of the Kingdom of Hungary was entirely Slovak with the capital city in Bratislava, the current capital city of Slovakia. The Slovaks had lived in the Kingdom of Hungary for a couple of centuries longer and in the Carpathian basin for 1000 years longer than Magyars themselves. The Slavs/Slovaks had lived in the original kingdom of Hungary of Attila the Hun while Magyars had not.

So when the Magyar soccer fans are talking about no history, are they talking about themselves again?

The Kingdom of Hungary during the Ottoman Empire.


So, the Magyar fans should know that their current land is not called after the Magyar nation but after the Hunnic nation. However the Magyar fans should also know that before their land was renamed to Hungary, it had been called The Slavic/Slovak Land, simply Slovakia. Does it mean that if they display F*ck Slovakia, they f*ck their own land?

We should learn that we can call the Kingdom of Hungary as the Kingdom of Hungary because the kingdom bore the name of Attila Hun’s empire. But we shouldn’t call the Republic of Hungary by the name Hungary because it has nothing to do with Attila. We should call the Republic of Hungary as Magyarland or the Republic of Magyarland, same as the Magyars call it Magyarország (Magyarland) in their own language.

While the Slovaks have been living in the Carpathian basin for at least 2000 years, the Magyars only 1000. Everybody says that Slovakia is a new and young country but in reality it is way older than the Kingdom of Hungary or any of the Slavic country around. Certainly the name of The Slavic Land (Slovenská zem) is the oldest of all other Slavic lands. The name Slav has its origin in present-day Magyarland and Slovakia and all Slavs got their name from the origin in this Slavic Land. The names of Slovenians and Croatian Slavonians are also the remnants of the Slavic Land located in present-day Magyarland.

So who is living in a stolen land and who has no history?

I would recommend our Magyar brothers and sisters, because they truly are of the same gens as the Slovaks, to learn the Slovak language back as it would help them to easily get along in all Slavic countries in Europe as far as the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and they wouldn’t feel so lonely and frustrated in Europe anymore.

See the map of the ancient Slovak land below and remember it:

The map of the ancient Slovak Land per etymological study of toponyms by prof. Ján Stanislav. The pink circles represent the area where the Slovaks lived the most. Notice that the areas where the Slovaks did not live in were a waste-land (Puszta), especially between Danube and Tisa rivers. The light blue spots represent swamps.

3 thoughts on “Stolen land, stolen symbols, no history. F*ck Slovakia!


    Nakoniec mal Dr. Cyril Hromnik predsa len pravdu. Tak som si zelal aby sa popri znovuzauzivani mien ako Svatopluk, Rastislav, zauzilo aj meno Pribina. Nuz nestalo sa tak na Slovensku ale v juznej Indii. Do pije mare do nepije da mare.
    Kto pije zomrie, kto nepije zomrie tiez

    This is quick history of Slovenia, before known as Karynthia.
    When it comes to St. Stephen I, he was baptized first in orthodox Christianity under the name Vendovit, hence shortened version Vajk, Vajko, the same as Ludovit is shortened to Lajko (Lajko Kossuth). Kopan (from verb Kopat) in magyar Kopanyi, was uncle of st. Stephen I. But he was second step uncle of him. Because according to Jonas Zaborsky, he was grandson of Braslav, last slavic ruler of Panonia (Blatensko), thus Charlota, wife of Geisa and mother of st. Stephan I, was daughter of Braslav. Acording latin sources Geisa was already Christian (Agua persvasus Geizar cum Ungaris suisi christianan clipse religione).Geisa who become ruler of Panonia (Blatensko) after the death of Braslav and his wife Charlota and daughter of Braslav begun to restore church slavonic liturgy left in Panonia by st. Cyril and Methodius and they invated from Byzantium, bishop Hierotej who should restart church slavonic liturgy. This will let Ungaria on the path of Bulgaria and it will become Slavic kingdom. However Germans have different idea they prefered to create turkic Magyarland then Slavic Ungaria. Thus Otto III offered Geisa son Vendovit- Vajk, Vajko crown originaly from Great Moravia, on bottom part of the crown is written in cyrillic : Geovit krales … kral is simply slovak name for king, and es is additiv. Geisa in Latin language is Geizar. So Geovit is simply grecko latin interpretation of the name Svatopluk (Svetosil). Titul kral-es was given 1 st time to Svatopluk, after that to Croatian king Tomislav I and finaly Michal I Dukliansky. So Otto III offered Venodovit – Vajko this crown and up lift his postion from prince to king, under one condition if he change relichion from orthodoxy to roman- catholicism and liturgy from church slavonic to latin. Vendovit accepted and was baptised 2nd time now by bishop Vojtech in latin liturgy in roman-catholic church and changed his name from Vendovit to Stephen. So he was baptised twice, first in church slavonic liturgy as Vendovit and second time in latin liturgy as Stephen. This went clearly against his father and mother heritage who wanted to continue orthodoxy and church slavonic liturgy. Therefor Kopan created uprising against turn coat Vendovit aka st. Stephan I

  3. Since Slovak history is closely related to Magyar history, genetic analyzes of the population that inhabited the countries after the collapse of the Kingdom of Hungary are the most important factor in resolving such controversial moments in history.
    let’s see what genetics tells us…
    They show, that Hungary was a Slavic country and that almost all current Hungarian-speaking citizens are not of Magyar origin, but mostly of Slavic and Slovak origin.
    The only mortal remains found so far of king Bela is a significant source of information about the dynasty’s ethnic origins because after the Ottoman invasion, the tomb of the Hungarian kings in the city of Szekesfehervar
    ( lat. Alba Regia, slov. Stolny Belehrad) was looted and destroyed.
    The researchers determined the Y-chromosome profile of Bela III, which serves as a reference for identifying other skeletal remains and for resolving controversies about possible descendants of the dynasty.
    The DNA of King Bela III of Hungary was tested by Olasz et al. (2018). He is a member of the Arpad dynasty of the Hungarian throne from the 10th to the 16th century. His Y-DNA is identified as SLOVAK (R1a) based on STR values, while his mtDNA is H1b. „H“ is the female counterpart of the SLAVIC male Y-DNA haplogroup: „R1a“.
    Based on their research, the remains of the dynasty members belong to haplogroup R1a, which means that the Arpads are of Eurasian/Slovak origin, not Finno-Ugric/Magyar.

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